Previous & Upcoming Projects
Stay tuned for more information about upcoming projects!
Creating a workforce that better supports girls and women starts with inspiring girls to explore, experience and learn about careers in non-traditional ways.

Previous Project:
The Girl Scout Mobile Building Space
With more young women exploring non-traditional education paths and careers, our first project was to create a traveling program for girls with workshops, tools and mentorship that teach building skills, basics of the design and build process and career opportunities in the industry.
The Girl Scout Mobile Building Space is a partnership with the Girl Scouts Arizona Cactus-Pine Council, the organization that will operate the mobile space, and other Arizona-based organizations including Stratton Motor Cars and Kenzy Architecture & Interiors to design and outfit the unit, and The Design School at Arizona State University for develop curriculum.
Donations made through the Girl Scouts Arizona Cactus-Pine Council website went to the build out and programming of the mobile building space.